Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekend of November 16-18: ShoPping and Hot Pot

Friday Geri came over and we went shopping for WARM clothes. My students told me on Thursday that I don't wear enough clothes. It sounded like something my dad would say to me if he thought my outfit was inappropriate or if my dress was too short. Instead, it was coming from my oh so loving students telling me that I needed to go get some warm clothes otherwise I would say sick all winter.

So, Geri and I went to our favorite store, Memorable Day. I spent 700RMB on sweaters, long sleeve shirts and scarves. Totally worth it.... but I hated spending the money. Dad... can I get back on the payroll please? :)

Friday night Geri and I were going to make dinner but she found out Thursday night that she was switching host families on Saturday so she had to eat at home for her last meal with her current family.

Saturday I was supposed to go to Yushanhu with my favorite freshmen class but I woke up sick. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact that it is freezing here and there is no heat anywhere. Sadly, I had to bail on them but told them I would hang out with them another time.

Saturday I stayed home all day, read and watched movies. It was really nice outside so I was bummed I wasn't feeling well. And staying inside on such a nice day was making me feel homesick. I knew I needed to get out of my apartment so Alicia and I got hotpot Saturday night. It was my first time having hotpot in Ma'anshan and it was delicious. After one meal I've become totally addicted. I crave it all the time. AND it makes me warm haha.

Sunday I went shopping (again) with two of my students who are juniors, Hailey and Sophia. They showed me where the underground stores are and some of the stores where they buy clothes. I bought two sweaters with them. I thought I was a good bargainer, but Hailey definitely blows me out of the water. I had so much fun with them. They are both 20 so it was nice hanging out with girls that are close to my age. Although, there maturity level is like a 16 year old in America. While we were out I saw two other students, Bieber and Artemis. Artemis is Hailey and Sophia's best friend and one of their roommates. Beiber is a boy and the name suits him very well. I found out that Artemis and Bieber are dating. I also ran into two of my freshmen students who could not stop laughing when I said hello. It was really funny.

After shopping I worked on some lesson plans and then Henry and I got hotpot (I told you I got addicted after one meal). Once again it was delicious. 

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