Thursday, August 30, 2012


TIC stands for "This is China". I learned during my study abroad in Beijing in 2010 (2 years ago.. TIME FLIES) that there is really no explanation for anything that happens other than "This is China"!

In class on Tuesday, my teacher, Chuck, gave us a great teaching tip. He uses "TIC" (This is China) to set up 6 goals: Teamwork, Improve English, Innovation, Creativity, Critical Thinking and Confidence. These goals are an easy way to start your class for the day. For example, "Today we will be working on your confidence when responding to the question 'How are you?'". Then at the end of the lesson I would ask my students, "Do you feel more confident now to respond to the question 'How are you?'"
I love this goal idea and I will definitely be using it in all my classes!

I wish I could explain in words how amazing a teacher Chuck is. As I mentioned in my previous post, he has been teaching here for over 15 years. He is one of the most dedicated teachers I have ever known. In the past three days he has shared a ton of stories with us that have truly inspired me to become an amazing teacher. He cares about every single one of his students that he has ever had and truly teaches to make a difference in THEIR lives.

Chuck taught us how to incorporate making a movie , a tv show and even a news broadcast show with our students. It gives the students an opportunity to be creative. After filming Chuck would edit the project and then give a burned copy to each student. He said the students were blown away with what they could actually do with the English they knew.

These stories may seem silly or pointless, but to me, it is the reason I have chosen to become a teacher. To be able to watch my students grow and become amazed at what they can do by the end of the year (I hope) is going to be a remarkable feeling.

The past three days of training have been absolutely exhausting but 100% worth it. After completing my lesson plan today, I feel more confident going into my class in two weeks to teach.

I cannot wait to get to Ma'anshan, Anhui and start teaching!  

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